Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Status Quo Doesn't Bode Well For The Church

Why isn't the status quo good enough?

It means the old ways of conducting a "senior adult ministry" must be reevaluated. The term senior adult is becoming politically incorrect.

As the boomers inch toward the Pioneer age group(the first boomers turned 50 in 1996), the stigma attached to the word "senior" will make it a liability to effective ministry. When churches offer a "senior" adult program, at most, only 15 percent of church members who are qualified to attend actually attend.

Research shows that most people do not want to be lumped into the senior citizen category. Emerging strategies necessary for effective ministry to Boomers adults have many implications for evangelism and the programming and scheduling of church activities.

The church that is age sensitive will provide a variety of groups to appeal to the diversity of interests, needs, and activities for each age group.

The Boomer Blogger

1 comment:

Gary Sweeten said...

Ron, Great posts. I wish every Pastor was reading and learning these facts. The future of vital ministries is dependent upon the ability of ministries to take advantage of what God is doing among Boomers and Pioneers. I just started looking at a new book called, "Retiring the Generation Gap" by Jennifer J. Deal and she calls the Pioneers "The Silent Generation" because we are so often left out of the conversation but the clout of Pioneers is great because we run so many groups and have so much influence in the world.

Keep telling the world about what is happening!