Saturday, January 12, 2008

We Want To Know What You Think

The blogisphere is rampant with blogs that are politically partisan and very controversial. There are others that are bashing Christianity, our nation and the "outdated" values to which my generation subscribed.

The majority of those blogs have a great deal of activity as people who support that particular point of view engage in a dialogue. It seems that, if a blog is not controversial, there is little activity generated.

Dr. Gary Sweeten and I are interested in finding out if your church is:

1. re-tooling for the "Boomer Wave" that is coming our way, and

2. what your church is doing to take advantage of the experience and wisdom of the "Seasoned Believers" in your congregation.

It will take only a minute to leave us a comment to let us know.

Dr. Gary's blog can be found by using the link that is on the right side of this post.

Encourage your pastor and leadership to read our blogs and to enter in to a meaningful dialogue as to how we can deal with the 78 million Boomers on the horizon.

Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

The Boomer Blogger

1 comment:

Paula Clare said...

Hi Ron,
Our church is amid changes...BIG changes, which I HOPE will include a plan for Seasoned Believers! In the interim, I think our pastor is considering (for the sake of those older adults) ditching the "Sunday School" title for our Sunday morning pre-worship sessions...he's considering ABF: Adult Bible Fellowship. I like that much better, and believe it's a small change that MIGHT reap big results!