Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Boomer’s Guide to Understanding Twentysomethings Part VI

Absolute Truth Versus Postmodern

Twentysomethings have grown up in a postmodern world—a land of gray—often lacking a foundation or belief in absolute truth whereas most boomers still believe that absolute truth exists. Thus twentysomethings are more likely to question and wrestle with issues than boomers. They want to know how something works and all its implications. For example, a boomer may say that something is absolutely wrong. A twentysomethings will look at the response and begin thinking of situations—even if they’re far-fetched—that will challenge that proposition and look for an exception.

“Not only are boomers in a different stage of life, but they are often in a different stage of their faith,” said Chad Wible, assistant to the lead pastor at Pathways Church. “Boomers also typically come from a different philosophical mindset since they were brought up in a modernist world and twentysomethings were brought up in a postmodern world. Therefore, boomers need to realize that twentysomethings are often seeking out their faith, capturing the faith as their own, or working through much of their skepticism.”

Twentysomethings often desire a transcendent element in their lives, the spiritual realm is a reality to them. “This means that the church cannot be solely focused on doctrinal or exegetical studies,” Wible said. “Of course, I am not saying that we do away with doctrine and exegesis, but it needs to be incorporated in a way that also brings the person into presence of a mystical God.”


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