Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Boomer’s Guide to Understanding Twentysomethings Part V

Print Versus Image

Twentysomethings process information differently. While boomers are more print oriented, twentysomethings are more image-driven. A boomer will read a book written with linear knowledge to explore and understand a concept. Boomers will respond to the plain black and white text. Twentysomethings, on the other hand, respond and react to film, music and the arts. They grab onto word-pictures—whether spoken or written—and are compelled by images.

The new iWorship DVD tracks from Integrity Music are a good example. They’re used in our church whenever the worship team isn’t able to practice. They provide a soundtrack of popular worship songs. Instead of just having the words projected onto an overhead, there are moving images of nature, people and scenes that play as the words are displayed. A number of boomers within the church have complained that the images are just too much—they distract them from worshipping God. But only one twentysomething has commented that the images are distracting. Most of the young adults appreciate the extra layer of images used in worship.

Church leaders who effectively use graphics and videos in their sermons can help capture the imagination of this generation.


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