Friday, July 4, 2008

Time for a Review Part I

During the past several months, I have made an attempt, through this blog, to challenge us to prepare for the oncoming boomer wave.

It is obvious, by any measure, that churches have not made provision for the thousands of boomers who will be approaching retirement age starting in 2012.

I decided to see if the churches of my own denominational background were getting ready to minister to the large number of adults in society. It seemed that one way to do that was by reviewing current ministry openings listed on the web sites of nine different Christian groups. They were seven Bible Colleges, CrossLink (which connects people and ministries) and a weekly national church publication.

There was a total of 593 ministry positions, excluding pulpit ministries, listed on nine web sites. Out of the 593 jobs listed, 429 (72%) were for people who were trained to minister to children or youth. There were no ministry openings for Adult or Senior (Seasoned) Believers.

An additional area of research included a web site of a week long national church convention. The daily program listed only one event for “Seasoned Believers”. It was a social event: a “Senior’s Luncheon”.

In an encouraging discovery, I found that the Assemblies of God recently appointed a part time National Director of Senior Adult Ministries.

My next blog entry will continue reviewing previous research in order to lay the goundwork for what I believe is a legitimate response to the oncoming boomer wave.



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