Friday, December 14, 2007

How can your church reach baby boomers? Part II (con't)

"4. Develop active lay ministry involvement. The baby boomer wants to make a difference. These people will give time to things they feel make the most difference. Causes that stimulate action include social problems, children, poverty, abortion, illiteracy, elder care, substance abuse, AIDS, and environmental protection. The Sunday school class can take advantage of these interest areas and use them for ministry and evangelism.

5 Cultivate a casual, informal atmosphere. People are looking for a place where they can be themselves. The Sunday school class can be relaxed, informal, and interactive by using more participation and fewer lectures. Even the way people dress can cause the atmosphere to be cold and formal. Let people know you are more interested in them as individuals than you are about how they dress.................................

The church cannot cater to every whim of the baby boom generation. Yet to ignore or refuse to be attentive to their needs and desires will render the church ineffective. To understand, adapt, and change will help us reach this generation."

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