Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Boomer and God

The baby boomer is returning to church. In the 1970s, nearly 43 percent of the people in this age group attended church or synagogue. Today only 33 percent of persons born between 1946 and 1958 attend religious services. But they are not returning to just any church. Jack Simms, a nationally known authority on the baby boom, lists 10 characteristics common in churches that are effective in reaching the baby boom generation:

1. They are open to a spiritual experience.

2. Their Bible teaching stresses practical living.

3. They place a healthy emphasis on relationships.

4. They have fewer titles and less formality.

5. They understand the new family in America.

6. They share their faith by what they say and do.

7. They recognize the ability of women.

8. They place an emphasis on worship.

9. They have a high tolerance for diversity.

10. They are action-oriented.

Simms suggests that the church that wants to reach baby boomers should evaluate itself on a scale of 1-10 in each category listed above.

If the score is:

• 65 or less -- The church needs dramatic improvement.

• 66 to 80 -- The church is not doing badly.

• 81 or more -- Folk will miss the NFL prename show and arrive 30 minutes early to get a parking spot.

Robert Bats adds the following as characteristic of a church that attracts the baby boomers:

1. A strong worship focus.

2. A meaningful educational program for all ages.

3. An orientation toward experience and practical action rather than intellectual and theoretical approaches.

4. A high degree of tolerance and an acceptance of diversity.

5. An emphasis on inclusion, with a particular concern to include women and newcomers in leadership.

6. An informal style that is highly relational

(More later)

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