Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Angels Unaware??

When has the Lord come to us in the presence of strangers, passers-by, sojourners, and visitors? Did we go "out of our way" to welcome them? Did God speak to us through them? Did we find good news by welcoming someone with whom we were strangers? Or did we miss it because we were preoccupied with our own concerns, good though they may indeed have been?

It is very clear that in God's eyes the way the faith community treats people (especially those who are strangers) is extremely important to him. In fact, it is clear from Scripture that hospitality is a moral obligation and an expression of gratitude for God's graciousness in accepting us. God may indeed use opportunities of hospitality to speak to us. What would God think if he visited our church? What does God think when he does visit our church in the presence of someone we don't know, or someone who is different than we are: strangers, sojourners, refugees, and visitors?


1. Describe a situation in which you were the stranger. Was it a good or bad experience for you? Why?

2. Who are the strangers in your church's neighborhood? Who is welcome and who is not in our community of faith?

3. How could you and your church show strangers hospitality? Can you name three specific suggestions?

4. Think of ways in which you and your family can make newcomers feel welcome when they visit your home, your church, your community.

5. When has God used a stranger to bring a "Word from the Lord" to you?

6. Have you ever been the stranger to a faith community and brought a word of good news to them? Describe the experience

The Boomer Blogger

1 comment:

Gary Sweeten said...

In I CO 13 we hear the Lord say that, "Love is the greatest", but do we believe Him? In most churches we promote the Bible must more strongly than doing what the Bible says: Love one another.

Hospitality is all about love with warmth. The moths of the earth are attracted to warm love. Let's ask God how to raise the hospitality bar.